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Are you concerned that you may be pregnant?
Whether your contraception failed or you‘ve passed the first day of your missed period, a pregnancy test is a simple and reliable way to confirm that you’re pregnant.
But if you live in the UK, it‘s important to know the basics before you take a test.
Some frequently asked questions include:
We will also talk you through where you can buy a pregnancy test and what your options are if it’s positive.
If you’re looking to take a pregnancy test, either following unprotected sex or failed contraception, you may be curious about age restrictions on pregnancy tests.
There are no age restrictions on over-the-counter or at-home tests in the UK (England, Scotland and Wales).
This is also the case in Northern Ireland.
Irrespective of where you buy your early pregnancy test, even if you’re under the age of 16, a retailer is not allowed to stop you from purchasing one.
If you’re unsure of how to use pregnancy tests, you can talk to your pharmacist.
If you’re looking to take a home pregnancy test, you can either opt for an early pregnancy test, or you can wait until the day of a missed period to take a standard test.
This will ensure you get accurate results.
If you opt for a pregnancy test the day after having unprotected sex, or you take the test too early, the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is a hormone produced during pregnancy, will be too low, and the result less reliable.
To get a pregnancy test you can take at home, choose between the following sources:
There’s also the option to go to your GP for a test.
They may offer you a blood test, which is more sensitive to detecting the hormone HCG.
But it’s usually only offered if you have contradicting results from a urine-based test or another issue causing your symptoms.
For at-home options, they typically all have the same method, but be sure to read the instructions carefully.
Step 1 - HCG starts to be produced around six days after fertilisation. So aim to take a urine sample early in the morning to ensure your wee has the highest concentration of the hormone.
Step 2 - Either place the test into a urine sample or place it in your urine stream when you go to the toilet. Hold it there for between 5-10 seconds.
Step 3 - Place the test on a flat surface and wait for the allotted time to read the result. How the test tells you the result will vary, so familiarise yourself with the symbols of the test you’re using.
There are four types of at-home pregnancy tests, which all have the same method of detecting pregnancy.
They include:
Regardless of the type you use, read the instruction pamphlet and familiarise yourself with the test stick and its symbols, as this will reduce the chance of misreading the result.
If you still think you might be pregnant, but have a negative result, aim to see your GP as soon as possible. They can offer you a pregnancy test for free, which may involve a blood test.
Related: Early signs of pregnancy | When to take a pregnancy test | When does pregnancy happen
If you’re under 16 and have a positive result from a test you got from a pharmacy or a local supermarket, it's important to contact your GP.
You’re also encouraged to talk to your parents or if you’re not living with your parents, then your GP or healthcare professional will encourage you to talk to your caregiver.
If you’re unsure if you want to continue the pregnancy, our team at TopAtHome is here for you to discuss your options.
We understand that parenthood is scary, especially when you’re underage. We aim to offer counselling without judgment to help you come to the right decision for you.
We can also help you to choose a method of contraception, like the contraceptive pill, to prevent further pregnancies, which we will tailor to your needs and requirements.
Medically, if you’re under the age of 16 and you’re pregnant, you are entitled to the following services in the UK:
Even if you are under the age of 16 in the UK or Ireland, you’re legally entitled to purchase an at-home test and to seek medical advice to help you make the next choice in your life journey.
Our trained and sensitive team at TopAtHome supports pregnant people of all ages to make the right choice for them, judgment-free.
So, if you’re feeling scared or alone, contact our team today for a talk.
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