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When checking for pregnancy, many people want a fast result, with a control window to read your result and, of course, accuracy.
The most common brand used in the UK is Clearblue/
And with good reason - it’s more than 99 % accurate and easy to use.
Here, we will walk you through the different types of Clearblue pregnancy tests that you can buy in 2025, as well as how to read a Clearblue pregnancy test.
Introduced in 1985, the Clearblue brand started with a simple urine dip test that allowed the person taking it to get accurate results within 30 minutes.
Since then, the different test types have allowed for accurate results six days early (before a woman’s menstrual cycle) and within one minute when testing from the first day of a missed period. Each test is over 99% accurate at detecting a pregnancy.
The different test types available include:
Each Clearblue pregnancy test has an absorbent colour change tip. It will instantly turn from white to pink to show that urine has been absorbed.
Related: Early signs of pregnancy | When to take a pregnancy test | When does pregnancy happen
It’s best to take a pregnancy test first thing in the morning, as each test is looking to detect human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG.
If you’ve waited overnight to test your urine, the level of pregnancy hormone may be easier to detect. Always be sure to follow the test instructions.
Step 1 - Remove the test from its foil wrapper and take off the blue cap. This will show you the absorbent tip, which needs to be placed either into a urine stream or a clean cup holding urine.
Step 2 - Hold the test by the handle and hold the absorbent colour change tip in the urine for five seconds. Make sure the tip is soaked.
Or you can collect your morning urine sample in a clean, dry container and dip the tip for five seconds. Lay the pregnancy test stick flat and wait for three minutes to read the results.
Step 3 - Your pregnancy test with colour change tip will begin to work immediately and you will see blue lines start to develop across the results window. Look in the control window when you read your pregnancy test - if there’s no line, the test has not worked.
Step 4 - Two lines will appear in the results window if you are pregnant. If you’re using a digital test, you’ll see the word “pregnant” appear. If only one of the two lines appears in the results window, the test is negative, and you are not pregnant.
A digital test will usually display the words “not pregnant”.
If no lines appear and there is no line in the control window, the test hasn’t worked.
If lines appear in the results window but no line appears in the control window, the test is invalid, and another will be needed.
If you’re unsure of the results of your pregnancy test, or you have two different results from two different tests, contact your GP for a blood-drawn test.
When reading Clearblue pregnancy tests, misinterpreting the results is common.
To avoid this:
As well as confusion around reading the Clearblue pregnancy test results, there may also be other factors that impact the accuracy of this easy pregnancy test.
Remember, you have to wait a minimum of three minutes to confirm an accurate pregnancy test.
But depending on the test type, it may be as fast as one minute. Don’t read the test too early, as the result you get may be inaccurate.
Don't drink too much water before you take a pregnancy test, as it can dilute the sample and distort the level of HCG in your urine.
This can give a false negative result.
Try to wait until the first day of your missed period before testing.
If you test too soon, the pregnancy hormone may not yet be detectable. If you’re testing before this, an early-detection pregnancy test can give you a more accurate answer.
Use the first urine sample of the day to take the test and wait the full three minutes before looking at the results.
Related: How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy a Pregnancy Test?
If you’ve used a Clearblue pregnancy test and have a positive result, you may feel a bit panicked.
This is normal and, irrespective of your age, there’s help at hand to guide you through the next steps.
If you aren't sure what to do, please contact us at TopAtHome for guidance, and we will help you decide what’s best for you.
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